Dear parents and caregivers,
As you are aware a weather event continues to produce significant rain and flash flooding
in our local area.
Families in the affected areas are encouraged to tune-in to local media to monitor weather
conditions, heed the warnings and follow instructions from emergency services.
Remember, “If it’s flooded, forget it”.
The safety of students, staff and community members is our highest priority.
Our school will be closed tomorrow, as current localised flooding is impacting access to
our school site for our staff and students. The school closures website has been updated to reflect this closure and will be updated
on a daily basis. Parents and carers should check this site each day to confirm if our
school will be open.
Absences due to emergencies and natural disasters will not be recorded on a student’s
report card.
Thank you for your ongoing support and I trust that the impact of this event on our school
and community will be minimal.
Kind regards,
Dr Ray Bloxham PRINCIPAL